Pakistan has a vast Medical Equipment market, influenced by whether it falls under Civil or Private sectors. Each one dynamic and each with its own challenges. The diverse Pakistani cultural mix, makes marketing more interesting but at the same time, more difficult and challenging.

In 2013, it was estimated that the medical device market was worth USD 259.7 mn, or USD 1. 4 per capita. The medical device market is expected to grow at a reasonable rate, with a CAGR of 6.3 % forecast for the 2013-2018 period.

Dodhys Agencies has adopted a number of policies to cater for this diverse and dynamic market. These include specialized divisions within our company, offices in main cities, but also collaborations with sub-distributors and local free lancers.

Equipment launches, marketing strategies, effective controls and measurable goals are carefully planned under the supervision of senior management and reviewed weekly.

Tools such as direct equipment demos, door to door promotions, newsletter mail shots, exhibitions and general meetings of the whole network, including service network, are frequently used to tailor the correct and effective marketing strategies.

According to a 2017 survey conducted by the Punjab University in Lahore, only PKR 102.3 billion have been invested on improving Healthcare out of a total of PKR 3.945 Trillion in 2015 (Pakistan Economic Survey, 2014-2015). According to the survey, there are in total 1096 hospitals for a population of 182.1 million, thereby, 1.7 million people per hospital, 1099 persons per doctor/healthcare provider and 1647 persons per hospital bed.

This sets the stage for the future, and provides ample room for growth, obviously, which can only come with innovative and Pakistan-focused products, correct partnerships, right timing, effective tools and dedicated hard work. Dodhys Agencies has entrusted its newer and younger generation to build upon the legacy and lead us into the future.